While we may not consider the way we talk to be 'violent,' our words often lead to hurt and pain, whether for others or for ourselves.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg PhD

One Big Circle offers immersive learning experiences in Nonviolent Communication, teaching life skills for reaching across differences, resolving conflicts, and building more long-lasting, meaningful connections.

nonviolent communication

NVC offers tools to:

  • Build relationships based on compassion and understanding
  • Accurately understand other people’s feelings and needs
  • Be assertive and negotiable at the same time
  • Break patterns of thinking that lead to anger and depression

Learn more about Nonviolent Communication

at the Center for Nonviolent Communication

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"I would like us to create peace at three levels and have each of us to know how to do it. First, within ourselves. That is to know how we can be peaceful with ourselves when we're less than perfect, for example. How we can learn from our limitations without blaming and punishing our self. If we can't do that, I'm not too optimistic how we're going to relate peacefully out in the world. Second, between people. Nonviolent Communication training shows people how to create peace within themselves and at the same time how to create connections with other people that allows compassionate giving to take place naturally. And third, in our social systems. To look out at the structures that we've created, the governmental structures and other structures, and to look at whether they support peaceful connections between us and if not, to transform those structures."

 -Marshall B. Rosenberg PhD